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外部库 Pillow 的许多功能需要外部库的支持:. libjpeg 提供 JPEG 相关功能. Pillow 已经在这些版本测试过:versions 6b, 8, and 9. zlib 提供压缩 PNG 功能. libtiff 提供 group4 tiff 功能. Pillow 已经在这些版本测试过:versions 3.x and 4.0.

libfreetype 提供类型相关服务. littlecms provides color management. Pillow 2.2.1 以及更低版本使用 liblcms1, Pillow 2.3.0 以及更高版本使用 liblcms2.

在这些版本测试通过: 1.19 and 2.2. libwebp 提供 webp 相关功能. Pillow已经在这些版本测试过: version 0.1.3 不能读取透明webp图像, Versions 0.3.0 and 0.4.0 支持透明。. tcl/tk 提供 tkinter bitmap and photo images 的支持. openjpeg 提供 JPEG 2000 功能. Pillow 在这些版本测试通过: 2.0.0 如果机器上已经使用标准方法在标准目录安装了这些库 (e.g.

/usr or /usr/local), 那么不需要进行多余的配置了。如果它们安装在非标准目录,你可能需要配置 setuptools 以使用这些目录。 (i.e. By editing setup.py and/or setup.cfg). 当你安装好依赖包之后, 运行. From future import printfunction import os, sys from PIL import Image size = ( 128, 128 ) for infile in sys. Argv 1:: outfile = os. Splitext ( infile ) 0 + '.thumbnail' if infile!= outfile: try: im = Image.

Open ( infile ) im. Thumbnail ( size ) im. Save ( outfile, 'JPEG' ) except IOError: print ( 'cannot create thumbnail for', infile ) 很重要的一点是这个库不会直接解码或者加载图像栅格数据。当你打开一个文件,只会读取文件头信息用来确定格式,颜色模式,大小等等,文件的剩余部分不会主动处理。这意味着打开一个图像文件的操作十分快速,跟图片大小和压缩方式无关。下面是一个简单的脚本用来快速验证大量图片。. Def roll ( image, delta ): 'Roll an image sideways' xsize, ysize = image. Size delta = delta% xsize if delta 0: return image part1 = image. Crop (( 0, 0, delta, ysize )) part2 = image.

Crop (( delta, 0, xsize, ysize )) image. Paste ( part2, ( 0, 0, xsize - delta, ysize )) image. Paste ( part1, ( xsize - delta, 0, xsize, ysize )) return image For more advanced tricks, the paste method can also take a transparency mask as an optional argument. In this mask, the value 255 indicates that the pasted image is opaque in that position (that is, the pasted image should be used as is). The value 0 means that the pasted image is completely transparent. Values in-between indicate different levels of transparency.

The Python Imaging Library also allows you to work with the individual bands of an multi-band image, such as an RGB image. The split method creates a set of new images, each containing one band from the original multi-band image. The merge function takes a mode and a tuple of images, and combines them into a new image.

The following sample swaps the three bands of an RGB image. From PIL import Image im = Image.

Open ( 'animation.gif' ) im. Seek ( 1 ) # skip to the second frame try: while 1: im. Tell + 1 ) # do something to im except EOFError: pass # end of sequence As seen in this example, you’ll get an EOFError exception when the sequence ends.

Note that most drivers in the current version of the library only allow you to seek to the next frame (as in the above example). To rewind the file, you may have to reopen it. The following iterator class lets you to use the for-statement to loop over the sequence. 1 (1-bit pixels, black and white, stored with one pixel per byte). L (8-bit pixels, black and white).

P (8-bit pixels, mapped to any other mode using a color palette). RGB (3x8-bit pixels, true color). RGBA (4x8-bit pixels, true color with transparency mask). CMYK (4x8-bit pixels, color separation). YCbCr (3x8-bit pixels, color video format). I (32-bit signed integer pixels). F (32-bit floating point pixels) PIL also provides limited support for a few special modes, including LA (L with alpha), RGBX (true color with padding) and RGBa (true color with premultiplied alpha).

However, PIL doesn’t support user-defined modes; if you to handle band combinations that are not listed above, use a sequence of Image objects. You can read the mode of an image through the mode attribute.

This is a string containing one of the above values. Filters(过滤器) For geometry operations that may map multiple input pixels to a single output pixel, the Python Imaging Library provides four different resampling filters.

NEAREST Pick the nearest pixel from the input image. Ignore all other input pixels. BILINEAR Use linear interpolation over a 2x2 environment in the input image. Note that in the current version of PIL, this filter uses a fixed input environment when downsampling. BICUBIC Use cubic interpolation over a 4x4 environment in the input image. Note that in the current version of PIL, this filter uses a fixed input environment when downsampling. ANTIALIAS Calculate the output pixel value using a high-quality resampling filter (a truncated sinc) on all pixels that may contribute to the output value.

In the current version of PIL, this filter can only be used with the resize and thumbnail methods. Note that in the current version of PIL, the ANTIALIAS filter is the only filter that behaves properly when downsampling (that is, when converting a large image to a small one).

The BILINEAR and BICUBIC filters use a fixed input environment, and are best used for scale-preserving geometric transforms and upsamping. Functions PIL.Image. Open ( fp, mode='r' ) Opens and identifies the given image file. This is a lazy operation; this function identifies the file, but the file remains open and the actual image data is not read from the file until you try to process the data (or call the method). 参数:.

file – A filename (string) or a file object. The file object must implement, and methods, and be opened in binary mode. mode – The mode. If given, this argument must be “r”. 返回: An object.

引发 IOError: If the file cannot be found, or the image cannot be opened and identified. Out = image1. ( 1.0 - alpha ) + image2. alpha 参数:. im1 – The first image. im2 – The second image. Must have the same mode and size as the first image.

alpha – The interpolation alpha factor. If alpha is 0.0, a copy of the first image is returned. If alpha is 1.0, a copy of the second image is returned. There are no restrictions on the alpha value. If necessary, the result is clipped to fit into the allowed output range. 返回: An object. Composite ( image1, image2, mask ) Create composite image by blending images using a transparency mask.

参数:. image1 – The first image. image2 – The second image. Must have the same mode and size as the first image. mask – A mask image. This image can can have mode “1”, “L”, or “RGBA”, and must have the same size as the other two images. Eval ( image,.args ) Applies the function (which should take one argument) to each pixel in the given image.

If the image has more than one band, the same function is applied to each band. Note that the function is evaluated once for each possible pixel value, so you cannot use random components or other generators. 参数:. image – The input image. function – A function object, taking one integer argument.

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返回: An object. Merge ( mode, bands ) Merge a set of single band images into a new multiband image. 参数:. mode – The mode to use for the output image. bands – A sequence containing one single-band image for each band in the output image. All bands must have the same size. 返回: An object.

Constructing images PIL.Image. New ( mode, size, color=0 ) Creates a new image with the given mode and size. 参数:. mode – The mode to use for the new image. size – A 2-tuple, containing (width, height) in pixels.

color – What color to use for the image. Default is black. If given, this should be a single integer or floating point value for single-band modes, and a tuple for multi-band modes (one value per band). When creating RGB images, you can also use color strings as supported by the ImageColor module. If the color is None, the image is not initialised. 返回: An object. Fromarray ( obj, mode=None ) Creates an image memory from an object exporting the array interface (using the buffer protocol).

If obj is not contiguous, then the tobytes method is called and is used. 参数:. obj – Object with array interface. mode – Mode to use (will be determined from type if None) 返回: An image memory. Frombytes ( mode, size, data, decodername='raw',.args ) Creates a copy of an image memory from pixel data in a buffer. In its simplest form, this function takes three arguments (mode, size, and unpacked pixel data). You can also use any pixel decoder supported by PIL.

For more information on available decoders, see the section Writing Your Own File Decoder. Note that this function decodes pixel data only, not entire images. If you have an entire image in a string, wrap it in a object, and use to load it. 参数:. mode – The image mode. size – The image size.

data – A byte buffer containing raw data for the given mode. decodername – What decoder to use. args – Additional parameters for the given decoder. 返回: An object. Fromstring (.args,.kw ) Deprecated alias to frombytes.

Frombuffer ( mode, size, data, decodername='raw',.args ) Creates an image memory referencing pixel data in a byte buffer. This function is similar to, but uses data in the byte buffer, where possible. This means that changes to the original buffer object are reflected in this image). Not all modes can share memory; supported modes include “L”, “RGBX”, “RGBA”, and “CMYK”. Note that this function decodes pixel data only, not entire images. If you have an entire image file in a string, wrap it in a BytesIO object, and use to load it. In the current version, the default parameters used for the “raw” decoder differs from that used for.

This is a bug, and will probably be fixed in a future release. The current release issues a warning if you do this; to disable the warning, you should provide the full set of parameters. See below for details. 参数:.

mode – The image mode. size – The image size. data – A bytes or other buffer object containing raw data for the given mode. decodername – What decoder to use. args – Additional parameters for the given decoder. For the default encoder (“raw”), it’s recommended that you provide the full set of parameters. 注解 These functions are for use by plugin authors.

Application authors can ignore them. Registeropen ( id, factory, accept=None ) Register an image file plugin. This function should not be used in application code. 参数:. id – An image format identifier. factory – An image file factory method.

accept – An optional function that can be used to quickly reject images having another format. Registermime ( id, mimetype ) Registers an image MIME type. This function should not be used in application code.

参数:. id – An image format identifier. mimetype – The image MIME type for this format. Registersave ( id, driver ) Registers an image save function. This function should not be used in application code.

参数:. id – An image format identifier. driver – A function to save images in this format. Registerextension ( id, extension ) Registers an image extension.

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This function should not be used in application code. 参数:.

id – An image format identifier. extension – An extension used for this format. The Image Class class PIL.Image. Image This class represents an image object. To create objects, use the appropriate factory functions. There’s hardly ever any reason to call the Image constructor directly.

An instance of the class has the following methods. Unless otherwise stated, all methods return a new instance of the class, holding the resulting image. Convert ( mode=None, matrix=None, dither=None, palette=0, colors=256 ) Returns a converted copy of this image.


For the “P” mode, this method translates pixels through the palette. If mode is omitted, a mode is chosen so that all information in the image and the palette can be represented without a palette. The current version supports all possible conversions between “L”, “RGB” and “CMYK.” The matrix argument only supports “L” and “RGB”.

When translating a color image to black and white (mode “L”), the library uses the ITU-R 601-2 luma transform. L = R. 299 / 1000 + G. 587 / 1000 + B.

114 / 1000 The default method of converting a greyscale (“L”) or “RGB” image into a bilevel (mode “1”) image uses Floyd-Steinberg dither to approximate the original image luminosity levels. If dither is NONE, all non-zero values are set to 255 (white). To use other thresholds, use the method. 参数:. mode – The requested mode.

matrix – An optional conversion matrix. If given, this should be 4- or 16-tuple containing floating point values.

dither – Dithering method, used when converting from mode “RGB” to “P” or from “RGB” or “L” to “1”. Available methods are NONE or FLOYDSTEINBERG (default). palette – Palette to use when converting from mode “RGB” to “P”. Available palettes are WEB or ADAPTIVE. colors – Number of colors to use for the ADAPTIVE palette. Defaults to 256.

返回类型: 返回: An object. The following example converts an RGB image (linearly calibrated according to ITU-R 709, using the D65 luminant) to the CIE XYZ color space. Rgb2xyz = ( 0.412453, 0.357580, 0.180423, 0, 0.212671, 0.715160, 0.072169, 0, 0.019334, 0.119193, 0.950227, 0 ) out = im.

Convert ( 'RGB', rgb2xyz ) Image. Copy ( ) Copies this image. Use this method if you wish to paste things into an image, but still retain the original. 返回类型: 返回: An object. Crop ( box=None ) Returns a rectangular region from this image. The box is a 4-tuple defining the left, upper, right, and lower pixel coordinate.

This is a lazy operation. Changes to the source image may or may not be reflected in the cropped image. To break the connection, call the method on the cropped copy. 参数: box – The crop rectangle, as a (left, upper, right, lower)-tuple. 返回类型: 返回: An object. Draft ( mode, size ) NYI Configures the image file loader so it returns a version of the image that as closely as possible matches the given mode and size. For example, you can use this method to convert a color JPEG to greyscale while loading it, or to extract a 128x192 version from a PCD file.

Download Handshaker 2.5.2 For Mac Mac

Note that this method modifies the object in place. If the image has already been loaded, this method has no effect. 参数:. mode – The requested mode. size – The requested size. Filter ( filter ) Filters this image using the given filter.

For a list of available filters, see the module. 参数: filter – Filter kernel.

返回: An object. Getbands ( ) Returns a tuple containing the name of each band in this image. For example, getbands on an RGB image returns (“R”, “G”, “B”). 返回: A tuple containing band names.

返回类型: tuple Image. Getbbox ( ) Calculates the bounding box of the non-zero regions in the image. 返回: The bounding box is returned as a 4-tuple defining the left, upper, right, and lower pixel coordinate. If the image is completely empty, this method returns None. Getcolors ( maxcolors=256 ) Returns a list of colors used in this image.

参数: maxcolors – Maximum number of colors. If this number is exceeded, this method returns None. The default limit is 256 colors. 返回: An unsorted list of (count, pixel) values. Getdata ( band=None ) Returns the contents of this image as a sequence object containing pixel values. The sequence object is flattened, so that values for line one follow directly after the values of line zero, and so on.

Note that the sequence object returned by this method is an internal PIL data type, which only supports certain sequence operations. To convert it to an ordinary sequence (e.g. For printing), use list(im.getdata). 参数: band – What band to return.

The default is to return all bands. To return a single band, pass in the index value (e.g. 0 to get the “R” band from an “RGB” image).

返回: A sequence-like object. Getextrema ( ) Gets the the minimum and maximum pixel values for each band in the image.

返回: For a single-band image, a 2-tuple containing the minimum and maximum pixel value. For a multi-band image, a tuple containing one 2-tuple for each band. Getpixel ( xy ) Returns the pixel value at a given position. 参数: xy – The coordinate, given as (x, y). 返回: The pixel value. If the image is a multi-layer image, this method returns a tuple.

Histogram ( mask=None, extrema=None ) Returns a histogram for the image. The histogram is returned as a list of pixel counts, one for each pixel value in the source image. If the image has more than one band, the histograms for all bands are concatenated (for example, the histogram for an “RGB” image contains 768 values).

A bilevel image (mode “1”) is treated as a greyscale (“L”) image by this method. If a mask is provided, the method returns a histogram for those parts of the image where the mask image is non-zero.

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